Privacy Policy

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By using this website, you agree to comply with the terms and conditions set out below. These terms and conditions apply both to the natural person using this website and to the company in which that person is employed and uses the website on behalf of that company.


This website and its content is the property of José María Montero Vázquez with registered address at Calle Hinojo, 11 in Alcalá de Guadaíra CP 41500, Seville with DNI 28903381V, in compliance with the duty to provide information set out in article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce.

You can contact us by sending an e-mail to

Permitted uses and limitations of the information

All the graphic material that appears on this website (graphics, images, buttons, etc) is the property of José María Montero Vázquez with DNI 28903381V, and its use on this website is merely informative, for consultation. At no time is it permitted to use, copy or conserve the material in any way. All images are protected by international copyright laws, or otherwise belonging to the creative commons of free use.


It is completely forbidden to save, conserve or copy in any way, either digitally or physically, the images displayed on the website. Any use of these images other than mere consultation and viewing from our website is prohibited. Under no circumstances is it permitted to use the images for commercial purposes.

José María Montero Vázquez reserves the right to cancel the permissions granted and/or licences granted to the user if the user does not accept the terms of use of this website. Likewise, it may limit or eliminate the possibility of accessing the website and the user shall be obliged to delete any graphic or material belonging to José María Montero Vázquez from his or her computer.


Despite the effort we put into the creation of the website, it may contain typographical errors, so we recommend the user to check or consult the data that seem to him in the customer service to that effect.

Under no circumstances is the information provided on this website contractual. This information may contain errors or inaccuracies. Please contact us to confirm that the information obtained on this website is current and correct.


Despite the tolerated content, or content suitable for all audiences, the use of this website by minors without adult supervision is strictly prohibited.

At no time is José María Montero Vázquez responsible for the use, improper or otherwise, of the website by a minor.


Downloading images is NOT PERMITTED, if you do so you are committing an offence against Intellectual Property.

The distribution of these or any other images from this website, whether by electronic, physical, radio, computer, etc., is prohibited.

The user is solely responsible for the use of the images and graphic material on this website. You must therefore ensure that the use you make of them is legal.

It is strictly forbidden to use images or parts of it such as logos, brand graphics, pornographic or illicit uses of any kind, use to defame or discredit, and any use that may hurt the honour and dignity of persons or individuals.


It is strictly forbidden to use the logo of this website without the written consent of the company that owns the brand. It is strictly forbidden to use the name of or to relate this brand or the company that owns it to any other company, event, trademark, joint venture, etc. without the written consent of the company that owns the DIGITAL PUBLICATION brand.


José María Montero Vázquez offers this website and its content as it appears. It is not responsible for typographical or technical errors, changes in information, prices, etc. We do not offer any type of guarantee, implicit or explicit, about the information here exposed, images, or any other type of right or license of this agreement.

José María Montero Vázquez accepts no liability, beyond that stipulated by law, for damages to third parties, claims, etc. for the use of the images or graphic material on his website.
For any legal dispute the user submits to the laws of Spain. This Agreement shall not be governed by the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, the application of which is expressly rejected.

The user, by the mere fact of using the website and the material displayed here, accepts this contract, the content of which is clearly visible and consultable on this website. The user must have read and understood the content and the licenses of use included in this contract.

In case of any doubt or disagreement with the content of this site, you may refer to the terms not understood and/or leave this site without making any use of the material herein.


Privacy Policy Statement for the site, property of José María Montero Vázquez.

In compliance with the provisions of the Organic Law on the Protection of Personal Data 15/1999, José María Montero Vázquez, domiciled at Calle Hinojo, 11 in Alcalá de Guadaíra CP 41500, Sevilla with DNI 28903381V, as responsible for the file, informs you that the personal data that may be required as a result of the subscription or registration in some of the services offered by the website, will be automatically processed and incorporated into the corresponding files, with the necessary security levels, owned by this company in order to adapt our commercial offers to your requests in order to offer you a more efficient and personalised service, will be automatically processed and incorporated into the corresponding files, with the necessary security levels, owned by this company for the purpose of adapting our commercial offers to your requests in order to offer you a more personalised and efficient service.

The provision of all requested information is voluntary and the only consequence of refusing to provide it is that you will not receive the services offered.

José María Montero Vázquez undertakes to comply with the duty of secrecy established by law. Likewise, we inform you of the possibility of exercising your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, by writing to José María Montero Vázquez at Calle Hinojo, 11 in Alcalá de Guadaíra CP 41500, Sevilla; or by e-mail to